Aug. 28, 2023

Our Own Mistakes, the season two premiere. We spent three days together and all we got was this one photo.

Our Own Mistakes, the season two premiere.  We spent three days together and all we got was this one photo.

Stacey and Christy are back for another season of "My Own Mistake." Join them on this episode as they relive the ups and down - but mostly ups - all ups, really - of attending the One Voice Conference as sponsors.

We reminisce about season one, talk about our plans for season two, and share a few mishaps from the past few months.

And yes, we spent three entire days together and all we got was this one photo.

Visit their websites at and

Intro and outro by Vince Eury -

The song "My Own Mistake," © 2023, written by Christy Spadafore, performed by Christy Spadafore and Stacey Kimble.

Got questions or comments? Email us at



Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win it. We all have days where we step right in it.


Here's my own mistake.


Welcome to my Own Mistake, a podcast about mistakes people make, shared by the people who made them. Here you host Stacey Kimball and Christy Spadafore.


Hey Christy, how are you today? It's been a week now since we've been back from the fabulous One Voice Conference.


Has it? Wow? So Stacey and I both went to the One Voice Conference in Dallas, where we were not only people participating, but we were sponsors, which was exciting Very exciting Bronze sponsors.


We had a little commercial we made which I think we'll throw up on the pod site so people can see it, because it was very funny. Yes, we had featured our season one guests not all, but most of our season one guests, and they were all fabulous and funny All of our guests were wonderful. They are hilarious, hilarious people. But we had, did we make mistakes? At One Voice, did we make any mistakes? We must have, oh we did.


We must have because it's part of being alive, but I don't know if there's so much mistakes. It was just things we learned that you know to plan for differently. Should we do this again? I think so.


But I mean little things. There were little things like the banner we didn't really have.


We had this great banner that Stacey


We had a wonderful banner but we didn't have any way to. . . I kind of assumed when I ordered it that it would, was it two foot by four foot banner. And I assumed when I ordered it that we'd probably be against a wall because usually they had the you know, the sponsors on the walls and so we could just. Because in the past it's always been . . that's how it's been staged. And so we got there and they had this beautiful new setup. I adored the new setup, but there was really no way to hang our banner, so we ended up putting it on a post next to us, which was awkward, but we just had to point to it. A lot.


It kind of looked like, from one angle, that I was just staring at you, I know, and from another angle, like you were just staring at people, rather than two people, you know, smiling at each other. It was an optical illusion.


So, but other than that, we had so much fun meeting all the people that came by. Oh, we did, and you know, scanned our QR code to subscribe to our podcast. We had several people even tell us about their mistakes and a couple people tell us they couldn't be on the show because they make no mistakes.


But more people actually said, oh yeah, this one time I did this thing. It was really fun.


Yeah, and you know anybody can do that, because on our website, myownmistake. com, there is a little button down in the lower right corner and if you push that, it's a microphone and you can leave a message with your mistake. So we ask you to do that and subscribe. Oh, there's another button too.




What is that other button.


It's my favorite button.


Oh, it has a cup of coffee on it.


Yes if you feel like you know throwing a few dollars our way to help us support the podcast, we would gladly take your help.


We had a great time, and we also have to thank Amory Hokulani and her husband. Steward who were. I mean they manned the table more than they were there. Mike was there all the time. He was there like the whole time and he was calls himself spousal support.


We called him the emotional support spouse for all three of us, and he was.


He was so wonderful. I just I can't think that it wouldn't have been as great as it was without them.


So thank you, Amory.


Thank Amory and Mike, we love you so much so, but we had a wonderful time, and OVC was fabulous, as always. It's where I met Christy and several of our people from last season.


From season one. Yeah, almost all of them.


Almost, I think George and Rochelle maybe were the only ones, and well, no, we knew Torian from there too, and we hope you'll go back and listen to season one. If you haven't, yeah, because it's because we had some really great guests and we have some great people coming up this season too. This is our first episode of season two, our second episode is going to feature a filmmaker who is kind of a little bit of a diversion for us, but I think his his mistakes transferred to anything very easily. I don't know. I think a lot of what we do is just focusing on mistakes you make trying to be creative artists.


Well, and I think a lot of I think a lot of them are applicable to almost anything. I mean letting fear stop you from doing what you want to do. I think that's something just about everybody can relate to at some point in their life. Well, you know, were there any mistakes that we made in season one or things we learned, because this was a new project? I'd never podcasted.


Christy says well, let's do a podcast. I'm like, okay, let's! not either one of us ever having done this before. And man, did we get a lesson in podcasting! We started in March. I think we've come up to speed pretty pretty quickly. It was a big learning curve. I'm very, very happy that we did this. It's so much fun now. We really do have a great time and it's wonderful to meet all the people. But we learned a lot about technical things, yeah. Web pages Things that I never ever thought about, like how do you get your podcast out to all those different sources? And Christy was kind of in charge of all the web activity.


Yeah, we were lucky in that we found some very good resources. And Stacy has been at the helm of the editing and all of the fun detailed stuff that drives me nuts.


So that's me coughing.


don't mind doing that. Actually, I kind of like that stuff.


I get into a if once I get into editing I'm gone and I like it. I don't mind it at all. It's like therapy.




I know you are.


I, of course, made my mistake of you know moving all over. I was so relaxed talking to you that I just felt free to move all over. Yeah, the chair I realized that wasn't maybe optimal thing thing.


I was like Christy, the first season, that first you kept coming in and out Adhere.


Like a car driving by. And the reason why is I have the stool that I sit on in my booth and I was spinning, or not fully spinning around, like my kids do, but you know, swiveling as I spoke. Apparently doing a full body swivel so that my mouth kept, you know passing by the microphone. Yeah, it was something. I'm sure that it was, and I'm sorry.


Better than a clicky pen, although I think next conference week we're sponsors or something we're going to have clicky pins to give away.


I'm so glad that that's my legacy. All the ridiculous mistakes that I've made.


It seems like now, maybe, maybe is it us, are we trend setters, or what? But now I see everybody's owning up to their mistakes all over social media. Which is great, which is awesome. I think it's great, and we well, we makes us feel like we're trend setters.


Right, yeah, I was thinking about that because I was like I don't know if maybe a lot of other people were doing this and I just didn't see it before. I don't know, but I think it's. I think people being honest about their mistakes and ways they know they can improve is always a good thing.


It is. I think one of the things that was best taught in season one was that we've all made the same mistakes at some level or another, especially in the voiceover business, because really, this is the way it's done. Now is so new. Having your own studio booth in your home and being able to roll out of bed and go to work yeah, it's pretty darn nice. But there is a learning curve, and it's still a big learning curve, and people are afraid of AI, and I know there's a lot of large studios that aren't doing as well as they did because of the move to home booths, and those are things that we all have to look at and adjust to. So it's been an interesting ride. I've been doing it online since oh, I hate to tell you. since like 2011. Wow, I mean, I didn't get real serious about it until five years ago. It's taking a long time for everybody to adjust. It's an adjustment.


Yeah, and I still think even if you hear about someone else making a mistake, it doesn't necessarily keep you from doing the same thing or a similar thing. There are some things you only know because you yourself did it.


Exactly right, exactly right. Demo's were a big thing for me.


I think that's been a big thing for a lot of people.


I'm not sure I would have done it any differently than I did, but I think it serves its purpose. Doing it right or wrong serves its purpose. Yes.


That's a really good point, I mean you can make any experience work in your favor,


Maybe not, you just have that exact moment, but I think, looking at hindsight, of course, 2020, like they always say.


I'm trying to think of just small voiceover mistakes I've made. I remember I had a job where I I said six separate files to the client, you know. I labeled them all how they're supposed to be labeled and sent them all off and I made the mistake of not listening back to them all one more time before I sent them and I don't know what happened. Five of them were fine, but one of them was just noise. I mean, it was like I don't know what happened. I was able to actually find the file and restore it and it was fine and I set it off. But things like that, just like you know, maybe give it another listen before you hit send, before you attach it and send it off to the client, right? Things like that that I would not have learned other than doing that myself.


Well, and I'm sure they were fine with that.


They were. I mean, they were just like, hey, something's wrong with that last file.


Did you have to redo it? No, I didn't have to redo it.


No it was just. It was something in the exporting process somewhere went haywire, so I had saved the original.


And always saved the original. And it worked out fine. But that's paid off a few times for me when I've done auditions and they've come back and said we just want the audition, we'll just buy your audition, but do you have it in the waveform? I love when that happens.


Yes, I do. It's only happened to me once, but I did a huge happy dance. What else? What other mistakes? None, I guess we're. We've told them all.


I guess we're good. I guess us and those people who said they didn't. I don't know, I don't think there's, I think we didn't plan. Here's my thing about what I think we didn't see coming, and that was summer. Yes, yes absolutely, and we also had a really funny little thing about that. We were on a hiatus.


It was just a longer hiatus


We'll put that little commercial on the website too, maybe as a bonus for subscribers or something. But yeah, I think we. I had a wedding, my daughter got married and Christy has three children that were all out of school. We just didn't anticipate how truly busy we would be this summer, and I think that, so our hiatus has been a little longer than we had originally anticipated, but we're getting up to speed now. We have two guests already recorded Brian Cutter and Andrew Morrison.


Yay, we've got many more coming. We've got many more coming. So thank you, but yeah, absolutely I wish we hadn't taken, maybe we could have made season one longer, or maybe we, if we just planned for a longer hiatus. I don't know.


Yeah, I think we'll know more next year when we can maybe record ahead a little bit in May, and I know a lot of people don't even bother with seasons.


And I know a lot of people don't even bother with seasons. But I think we did a season initially just to say, ok, well, if it turns out we hate doing this and it's just not working, then we can say, well, look, we did 10 episodes, we did a season, we put a bow on it, we're done, that was good.


Yeah, yeah, those are all the mistakes that are made. We're done.


We covered everything. No more mistakes to be shared. I don't click my pen, I don't swivel on my stool, my demos are all perfect. Yeah, I send out my direct marketing at just the right time. I say exactly the right words. I'm never awkward, ever, never, never, ever awkward.


Keep going, I'm waiting, I'm


I remember to drink enough water every day. I don't.


That may be my mistake.


Oh, you had the one with your can of.


Oh my gosh, I know I kept hearing this echo in my auditions and it was driving me crazy. I couldn't figure out what it was. It was weird and I was like looking around in here, going, did something change? What's changed? It turns out it was an empty can of seltzer water and it was echoing into the can. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. Anyway, that was. I guess that was my mistake.


Yeah, so I've got my plastic water bottle in here now. Sometimes I bring my big metallic one because I actually like it better, because it keeps the water cooler, but I can't have it in here when I'm recording for it. Just, you know, it's a small enough space that the sound bounces off of it.


My ceramic cup's okay, but, boy, no more metal cup bottle cans in here for me? Who knew? You know, there goes my six pack, there goes my sis back of beer, right.


I'm sure creative people can find a way around that if they want to Sippy cups. Well, I do hope people will share their mistakes with us, whether people come on in our guests or send us the little voicemail and maybe we'll feature them on one of our shows.


That's a tempting thought, isn't it? So yeah, that would be great. I would think that would be fun. I hope people do that and subscribe.


Yes, tell your friends. Sing our theme song.


Oh, we have a great theme song. You know I did want to touch on that. Christy is an excellent jingle writer. She wrote a jingle for our little hiatus commercial that she sang in front of a lake. So if anybody needs a jingle, we got the jingler right here.


Write me up. Write to me. Write me up. Sounds like when you get a suspension notice in school.


I had to write you up, write up the jingler Jingler. Sounds like a Marvel cartoon. Sounds like a superhero. A jingler, la, la, la and Barry.


Oh Barry Manilow is the head jingler. He is the master jingler. I bow down in admiration.


Nobody's better Scrub from bottom to top. There is nothing so clean as my burger machine. I'm stuck on Band-Aids. Band-aids are stuck on me.


Didn't he do that? Yeah, I think so. He did the.


Band-Aids too. I don't know, Somebody will tell us. I'm sure Leave a message on our thing. Yes, tell us if we're right,


The lake one - the first take I did of it, I was not right in front of the lake, I was closer to the place we were staying. You can see all these passerby looking very confused in the background.


Oh I wish.


Why is she singing? What's going on here? I wish she'd be quiet, so I went out to the dock and did it there.


We'll have to have you record a version of it in your booth with your ukulele, so we have a really good version of it. It's adorable. It's a real. What do you call them Earworm? I never liked that term. You want earworm to be a jingle Jingles, as earworms are good.


Oh yes, you absolutely do. It's just the term itself. I've never been crazy about the thought of a worm, it's just the term that crosses me out a little bit.


Wow Too literal.


Yeah, I'll say so.


All right, and I'm not at all.


Anyway, I'm anti-literal and that's why we're perfect together. I can't wait for this season.


Yep, I can't either. We've got more fun to be coming up in season two, so subscribe or wherever you find your podcasts. Take care everybody. Christy, see you next time. We'll see you next time, all right, bye.


Thanks for listening to my Own Mistake with Christy Spadafore and Stacy Kimble. I'm Vince Eury, and I hope that you'll join us next time to hear more stories about more mistakes.